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Social Entrepreneurship Opportunity Fair

As part of Global Entrepreneurship Week, join us for the ‘Social Entrepreneurship Opportunity Fair’ to learn about internships, jobs, education, and service positions to help you launch your career as a changemaker. From Benefit Corporations to global service organizations, from large foundations to small rural startups, explore a multitude of ways to take concrete steps on your career path. Space is limited so register today to claim your spot!



How to Build Collaborative Partnerships that Advance Global Development

Virtual event

What does it take to build transformative partnerships? In this Masterclass, Sam speaks on his experience leading the Millenium Campus Network which has forged partnerships with a multitude of groups, from the United Nations to hundreds of universities. Sam will share his tips for how to build meaningful partnerships that support your efforts to create social impact.


Sullivan Masterclass: Poverty & Hunger

Join the Sullivan community for an informative and thoughtful discussion on how you can increase your likelihood of creating a sustainable venture to serve your community and walk away with a methodology to get clear on what your community really needs to thrive.


Sullivan Masterclass: Environment & Climate

Join the Sullivan community for a thought-provoking session with an environmental changemaker who will leave you with ideas about how you can make small – yet crucial – changes to help your campus be more sustainable.
