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On Friday, February 6th, Abundance NC will host the third annual Climate Change Adaptation Conference for Farmers at Central Carolina Community College in Pittbsboro. The conference will bring together farmers, homesteaders, activists, researchers and policy makers to discuss the effects that climate change and peak oil will have on the Carolina Piedmont, and share strategies to make our region more resilient.

Peter Bane, author of the Permaculture Handbook and editor of Permaculture Activist magazine, will offer the keynote. Bane is a suburban farmer and homesteader, producing an abundance of food on seven-tenths of an acre just outside of Bloomington, Indiana. For more than two decades, he has modeled and taught how to redesign residential spaces into productive landscapes that sustainably produce food, energy and clean water. Bane is a suburban farming pioneer and one of the nations’ leading thinkers on the economic and social implications of peak oil and the changing climate.

After the keynote, the conference will break out into a series of workshops where attendees can learn adaptation techniques and connect with local movements and resources. For a full conference schedule and registration details head to the the conference website. The conference costs $25 for farmers and students and $35 for researchers and activists. There is also a pre-conference networking event on Thursday, February 5th at Fearrington Barn, followed by a panel on climate adaptation.