Green Festivals has long been recognized as the nation’s premier green event organizer.
Based out of Asheville, and collaborating with Green America and Global Exchange, the Green Festivals team organizes annual green consumer shows in New York City, Chicago, Washington, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Featuring speakers, workshops, and exhibitors from for-profit businesses and non-profits alike, the events focus on all aspects of sustainability – from green energy to transportation to local and organic foods.
Now the group is launching a strategic partnership with one of its leading European counterparts, Messe Stuttgart, a $173 million company which has organized events on topics ranging from intelligent mobility to organic foods to Fair Trade and yoga.
Quoted in the Citizen Times, Green America CEO Alissa Gravitz suggested that this was not just a coup for the festival itself, but for the Asheville economy as a whole:
“I think Asheville should be really proud that Green Festival has been headquartered here and changing the way America does business. Now we have an international partner with greater resources,”
More details on the new partnership can be found here.
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