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Courses to Build Out Your Business Sustainability Framework

These Fall 2022 classes in business-sustainability-related topics still have some open seats. We encourage anyone wishing to study business sustainability to consider adding these courses to the schedule for this semester or a future one! Scroll down to learn how one student studied business sustainability at NC State, plus a list of closed courses to keep on your radar for the future!

For Poole College Courses important to developing the business background needed for a business sustainability career, checkout our undergraduate and graduate recommendations. For a catalog of sustainability-themed courses, check out the SDG Course Inventory.

Know of a class we should add? Send a memo to director Jessica Thomas at jothomas@ncsu.eduu! Course recommendations courtesy of BSC Alum Carly Brown.

——— Open Courses ———

ES 495 Special Topics in Environmental Science: Environmental Behavior Change

This course provides instruction on rapidly emerging environmental themes not currently covered in the undergraduate curriculum. Also provides courses on an experimental basis. See specific course offering for course detail. Units: 1 – 6

Prerequisite: Junior standing

Sec Avail. Day/Time Loc Instructor  Dates
601 Open
TBD Distance Education – Online Typhina PhD,Eli 08/22/22 – 12/05/22

SMT 450 Sustainable Business and Innovation

Theories, practice and case studies of sustainability and innovation in corporate settings. Content will include sustainability and environmental management, innovation, new business development and R&D, change management, corporate strategy and strategic alignment. Direct questions to Marko Hakovirta. Units: 2

Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing

Sec Avail. Day/Time Loc Instructor  Dates
601 Open
TBD Distance Education – Online Staff 08/22/22 – 12/05/22

PSE 476/FB 576 Environmental Life Cycle Analysis

Overview of the various aspects of conducting and interpreting an environmental life cycle analysis on a product or service. Students will learn how to construct a life cycle analysis goal and scope, inventory, assessment and interpretation. Skills in the critique and communication of a life cycle analysis will be developed. Includes an overview of the following life cycle stages: raw materials, energy, transportation, production, use, and end of life. Emphasis on systems thinking. Targeted for students in any science or engineering program. Credit not allowed for both PSE 476 and WPS 576. Units: 3

Sec Avail. Day/Time Loc Instructor  Dates
001 Reserved

10:15 AM – 11:30 AM

2221 Pulp & Paper Labs Venditti,Richard Arthur 08/22/22 – 12/05/22

ARE 309 Environmental Law & Economic Policy

Current federal and state environmental laws and regulations and their common law foundations. Relationship of the law and its regulatory mechanisms to economic policy issues: externalities, pollution taxes, incentives, permit trading, and cost-benefit analysis. Major environmental topics including water and wetlands, solid and hazardous wastes, pesticides, clean air, endangered species and nuisance actions. Overview of the legal system. Units: 3

Prerequisite: ARE 201 or EC 201 or EC 205

Sec Avail. Day/Time Loc Instructor  Dates
001 Open
2304 Erdahl Cloyd Branan,Robert Andrew 08/22/22 – 12/05/22


SOC 203 Current Social Problems

Examination of social problems linked to structures of economic, political, gender and racial inequality; including poverty, disease, racism, sexism, unemployment, psychological distress, educational failure, environmental destruction and violence. Possible solutions viewed from a variety of perspectives. Includes core sociological concepts, methods and theories. Note: many more sections available with waitlists. Search for waitlist sections by the NCSU Course Schedule or your Enrollment Wizard on MyPack Portal. Units: 3.

Sec Avail. Day/Time Loc Instructor  Dates
006 Open

3:00 PM – 4:15 PM

G109 Caldwell Hall Watts,Meghan Alicia  08/22/22 – 12/05/22
008 Open

1:30 PM – 2:45 PM

314 Riddick Hall x,danny 08/22/22 – 12/05/22
601 Open
TBD Distance Education – Online Glancy,Elizabeth Megan 08/22/22 – 12/05/22  


——— Student Story ———


Study Business At NC State Starter Pack Courses

BSC Alum Carly Brown created her own undergrad course of study at NC State in Business Applications of Sustainable using the College of Humanities and Social Science’s Interdisciplinary Studies Self-Designed Concentration option (quite a mouthful, we know!). The diagram above is based on some of the coursework she completed.


Wishing there was an easy way at NC State to receive credentialing for having studied business sustainability topics? Hold that thought! Our BSC team is working on paving the way for graduate and undergraduate students alike to study business sustainability. Please direct inquiries and recommendations to director Jessica Thomas at


——— Get On the Waitlist ———



COM 436 Environmental Communication

Critical analysis of environmental discourse in organizational, mass media, political, cultural, and international contexts. Investigates public participation in environmental advocacy and deliberation; environmental conflict management; rhetorical constructions of nature and human relationships with nature; environmental justice; environmental risk communication; and competing ecological paradigms. Units: 3

Prerequisite: COM 230 or STS 214

Sec Avail. Day/Time Loc Instructor  Dates
001 Waitlist
0/30 (0)

3:00 PM – 4:15 PM

110 Winston Hall Berube,David Michael 08/22/22 – 12/05/22

HI 342 Global Environmental History

Environmental history from a global perspective, covering a broad time span and examining both how humans have shaped their environment and how they are shaped by it. Topics include hunter-gatherer societies, the environmental forces which fostered sedentary societies, the rise and fall of early civilizations, and the relationship of water, wind, coal, steam, petroleum and other energy forms to human development and environmental processes. Examination of the dynamic interplay between the environment and social forces such as trade, imperialism, labor, public health, population growth, consumption, and social movements. Units: 3

Sec Avail. Day/Time Loc Instructor  Dates
601 Waitlist
0/70 (1)
TBD Distance Education – Online Robins,Nicholas A 08/22/22 – 12/05/22



The following courses are either already closed or are not offered this fall, but we think you should be made aware of them for a future semester!



PS 320 U.S. Environmental Law and Politics

Emergence of the environment as an issue in United States politics. Law and policy pertaining to air and water pollution, land-use, water, energy, toxic substances, and wilderness. Roles of national and state governments, scientists, corporations, and citizens groups in addressing environmental problems Units: 3

Section Avail. Day/Time Loc Instructor  Dates
001 Closed

10:40 AM – 11:30 AM

G111 Caldwell Hall Graham,Daniel N. 08/22/22 – 12/05/22

PS 336 Global Environmental Politics

International politics, laws, and policies pertaining to global environmental problems in the realms of population, pollution, climate change, biological diversity, forests oceans, and fisheries. Units: 3

Sec Avail. Day/Time Loc Instructor  Dates
001 Closed

10:15 AM – 11:30 AM

G106 Caldwell Hall Kochtcheeva,Lada Vyacheslavovna 08/22/22 – 12/05/22

MIE 306 Managing Ethics in Organizations

Management practices to define, communicate, and implement ethical conduct in business organizations. Normative and applied analysis of current ethical dilemmas of corporations in free markets, techniques for effective management of corporate social responsibility, and formulation and implementation of ethics management programs. College of Management majors only. Units: 3.

Prerequisite: MIE 201

Sec Avail. Day/Time Loc Instructor  Dates
001 Closed

1:30 PM – 2:45 PM

101 David Clark Labs Thomas,Jessica O 08/22/22 – 12/05/22  


For Poole College Courses important to developing the business background needed for a business sustainability career, checkout our undergraduate and graduate recommendations. For a catalog of sustainability-themed courses, check out the SDG Course Inventory.

Know of a class we should add? Send a memo to director Jessica Thomas at jothomas@ncsu.eduu!

Course recommendations courtesy of BSC Alum Carly Brown.