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Meredith Motamen

Meredith Motamen

Meredith Motamen, BSC Associate

Current Degree Program: Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences with a focal area in Environmental Technology & Management; Minors in Biological Sciences and Horticultural Science
Hometown: Raleigh, NC
Areas of Interest in Sustainability: Corporate sustainability, sustainability analysis, and environmental policy

What does business sustainability mean to you? What do you think sustainability should mean to businesses?

To me, business sustainability is when companies make an effort to operate in a way that reduces their negative impacts on the environment and society as a whole while still maximizing profits. To businesses, sustainability should be at the forefront of their minds when it comes to making decisions and figuring out how they want to operate, both for the good of the business and the environment. Becoming sustainable should not be an obstacle in the eyes of businesses, but rather a goal that all companies should want to work towards.

What sustainability challenge would you most like to solve?

The sustainability challenge that I would most like to solve is the impact of carbon emissions on climate change and reducing those emissions through the implementation of renewable energy sources in corporate settings.

Who do you admire for championing positive change through business?

Someone who I admire in the Business Sustainability field is Jerry Williams, the Chief Environmental Officer at SAS. Jerry helps lead the development and execution of SAS’sustainability strategy across operations worldwide, setting a great example for other companies to follow suit and making a huge impact on corporate sustainability efforts.

Moving forward, how do you plan to use business as a force for good?

I believe that the most effective way to implement sustainability in businesses occurs internally through corporate policies. I would like to work in a position where I can hold individual companies accountable for their environmental impacts by analyzing their personal emission data and developing sustainability goals for them to work towards.

What do you think are some challenges with sustainable businesses or becoming a sustainable business?

The biggest challenge associated with becoming a sustainable business is the cost associated with doing so. Not all companies have the funds to implement sustainable practices, which makes it difficult and undesirable for them to work towards becoming a sustainable business. Making sustainability more cost-effective would make it much easier for companies to decide to
operate more sustainably.

What’s your advice for fellow students who might be interested in sustainability, but don’t know where to start?

My best advice would be to get involved in a sustainability organization that interests you! NC State offers many different sustainability opportunities, including sustainability-oriented clubs and student organizations, internships, volunteer opportunities, and events that are all worth checking out. Staying up to date with opportunities through NC State’s sustainability website and social media is a great way to find out about ways that you can get involved, and never be afraid to reach out to someone and ask questions if you see something that interests you!

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