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BSC Career Speaker Series Profile: Kayla Bashore

Kayla Bashore

Degree: Masters of Business Administration
Graduation Year: Spring 2023
Industry: Agriculture
Role: Sustainability Analyst
Company: CHS Inc.

Key Career Advice:

  • Networking opportunities make the difference when looking for a job. Take opportunities to interact with other professionals in your area of choice, the people you meet may be future colleagues or mentors.
  • Always have a professional mentor. Look for someone within your network or company that has a proven track record of success and ask if they would be willing to mentor you. Often these people may not be within your immediate group and that’s okay!
  • Often it can be difficult to apply academic knowledge in a professional setting.Your primary job in the early stages of your career is to learn as much as possible and begin to understand where theory meets application. Ask questions and always volunteer to take on new tasks!